Hail damage is a silent killer to the exterior of your home. Take your roof for example: hail damage can cause extensive damage in the long run if left untreated. You can have leaks, algae build-up, cracked shingles, and increased energy bills—and you might not even know it’s happening until it’s too late.
Read our blog on - The Hidden Cost of Delaying Roof Leak Repair

So how do you know if your roof is at risk?
You might be surprised to learn that hail damage isn’t always easy to see right away. It can take months or even years before you start to notice some of the symptoms, like water spots and cracks in paint.
So how do you protect yourself?
Hail damage is covered by your insurance! We’re the experts at spotting hail damage, performing various hail tests, and protecting your roof from further damage.

Give us a call today to see if your home sustained hail damage from the recent storms. We offer a no-obligation Roof, Siding, and gutter inspection